Fail To Prepare…For The Next Day

A Do Something Different Monday Challenge

Happy Monday! Now that the technical issues have been resolved that delayed posting, I must say that although this is only week two, I am really looking forward to Mondays (and the new week) because of my Do Something Different Mondays! I enjoyed completing my first DSDM activity. I hope that this week will be the same because I tell you I am quite inconsistent with this particular activity! I am not big on the day before prep…but I want to be. And this time, I’ve enlisted a DSDM partner. My seven year old daughter will be joining me as we tackle getting ready for the next day’s activities the night before, together. Woot woot! Plus, she gets to write her own overall thoughts and contribute to Thursday’s check-in post, so double yeah! Continue reading “Fail To Prepare…For The Next Day”

Reining in the Record Keeping

A Do Something Different Monday Check In

I’ve been working on my Do Something Different Monday (DSDM) activity and it’s time to report! In case you missed my Monday post, DSDM is NEW. Each Monday I pick an activity that’s been a real bear to wrangle and then work on it for the week. I give a quick check in on Thursdays—today—on progress (or maybe lack thereof). This week’s DSDM activity is making record keeping more efficient. Continue reading “Reining in the Record Keeping”

NEW SERIES—Do Something Different Mondays

Reining in the Record Keeping

Happy Monday all!  I’ve been inspired by an upcoming post to create a new series called Do Something Different Mondays (DSDM)!  Every Monday I will select an activity that I’ve been struggling with and make that activity the focus of attention, and hopefully improvement, for that week.  On Thursdays, I will check in with an update.  These will be shorter, no frills posts.  Today’s DSDM activity will be record keeping/filing at work.  Show of hands if you live for filling out paperwork, updating databases and wrapping up loose ends of a task completed—all while the pressure of the next urgent project is looming.  Anyway, below is the plan of action to accomplish this goal because as we know, a goal without a plan is just a wish!  And feel free to join me with this, or your own, mini challenge this Monday!  Continue reading “NEW SERIES—Do Something Different Mondays”