Happy Monday! Now that the technical issues have been resolved that delayed posting, I must say that although this is only week two, I am really looking forward to Mondays (and the new week) because of my Do Something Different Mondays! I enjoyed completing my first DSDM activity. I hope that this week will be the same because I tell you I am quite inconsistent with this particular activity! I am not big on the day before prep…but I want to be. And this time, I’ve enlisted a DSDM partner. My seven year old daughter will be joining me as we tackle getting ready for the next day’s activities the night before, together. Woot woot! Plus, she gets to write her own overall thoughts and contribute to Thursday’s check-in post, so double yeah! Continue reading “Fail To Prepare…For The Next Day”
Fail To Prepare…For The Next Day
A Do Something Different Monday Challenge